Missions, Mark, & Me
Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of John Mark
1. What would it take to qualify for the mission team of the Antioch church? See Acts 13:1-5. Barnabas and Saul had impressive credentials as teachers. But what about John? Who was he and why do you think he was he included on the team?
2. John Mark deserted the mission team and when back home. See Acts 13:13. Why do you think he did this? Put yourself in John Mark’s shoes. Reflect on several possible reasons why any of us might do just as he did if we were in a similar situation.
3. Paul and Barnabas later parted company over whether or not to give John Mark a second chance. See Acts 15:37-40. What does this tell you about Paul?
4. What does this tell you about Barnabas? Why would he ‘sacrifice’ an experienced spiritual giant like Paul for a junior partner like John Mark?
5. Who was right, Paul or Barnabas?
6. What else does the New Testament tell us about John Mark?
7. What does Church history and tradition tell us about John Mark?
8. Draw conclusions, principles, and lessons from all of the above.
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