Thursday, May 21, 2009

YMM Session 2: Hearing God's Voice, Ken Chua

Hearing the Voice of God by Ken Chua 27th April 2009

What is hearing God’s voice?

Hearing God’s voice is a very wide topic but I’ll like to set a foundation for it before Simon introduces some steps

How many of you had a crisis before that you can’t handle?

How many of you had a crisis that you felt wasn’t fair?

How many of you have read through the Bible?

How many of you believe the Bible is the word of God?

How many of you believe what you read in the Bible is absolutely true?

Hearing God’s voice is very big. Waiting, intercession is just a small part of hearing God’s voice.

Many of my students say they still haven’t heard God’s voice because they expect an audible voice.


My daughter trusts me so she asked if she could go for a water ride at the theme park?

Why did my daughter ask for the ride? So she can enjoy herself.

Hearing God’s voice is knowing God.

1. Faith

How many of you believe the Bible is the word of God?

How many of you believe what you read in the Bible is absolutely true?

Simon invited me because he had faith in me, not because he has heard me speak, or because I am a good speaker.

Roman 8:28

“All things…” means ALL. EVERYTHING happens for a reason.

The Word is true, 100%. There is no gray area.

Why do I say that? If my daughter doesn’t believe that, she will not ask me to bring her to the ride.

If we can’t establish the fact that the Bible is 100% true, then we can’t move on in hearing God’s voice.

2. Knowing God

We start out in faith in our Christian walk but we have to move on to knowing God.

My son made a naughty face because he wanted to see how I was going to react to his act. He knows that his father would react if it did not please him.

Believing in God, having faith in God doesn’t mean that everything is going to be smooth sailing.

We need to move on knowing Him.

3. Respect

My son stopped doing a naughty act because he respects me

Many people reverse the sequence.

How many of you had a crisis before that you can’t handle?

How many of you had a crisis that you felt wasn’t fair?

How many of you have read through the Bible?

How many of you believe the Bible is the word of God?

How many of you believe what you read in the Bible is absolutely true?

They meet a crisis and then they read the Bible.

It should be the other way round where we read and believe the Bible, and that helps us later when we meet a crisis.

The Bible is WYSIWYG. What you see is what you get. Believe that when you read the Bible.

Start knowing your Father, the God of the Bible.

When you know Him, He’s with you everyday. It’s not just about solving the problem

If you don’t know God, when things happen in your life, you will feel many things are unfair.

Faith, Knowing God and Respect are the foundations of Hearing the Voice of God.

A same kind of molding will come back if we give up and not respond in respect to our Father.

People who run around to chase after prophetic word. More important to know God than to find out your future.

Sheep are stupid. They need to hear God’s voice to guide them. And they only hear the shepherd.

Intercession, waiting for the Lord is just a small portion of hearing God’s voice.

We need to know Him to hear His voice

We hear God in the little, little things. God is there and always speaking to you.

If we are not improving, we are regressing.

"It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird; it would be jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg.

We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg.

We must be hatched or go bad".
C.S. Lewis


Ask God: “Why are you here?”



What happens when we hear God and our pastors don’t?

Sometimes we want to be so accurate so that we can live out rightly. It’s a form of Kiasu-ism. We don’t want to miss it. It’s not wrong but it’s not the best perspective.

Hearing God’s voice is about obedience. Not to walk the right way and be afraid to make the wrong choice.

Don’t need to think that the world is against you. But honour values like submission to authority,

Is it ok to not get it right the first time?

It’s not about getting it right but about doing it because you love God.

Story of team member who needed money and team leader had money. He did not release the money and a man ended up in the airport to bless them. When he held back, 3 persons were blessed instead of just 2.

Why do you want to hear God’s voice?


God’s desire to speak to us is greater than our inability to hear


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