Monday, July 13, 2009
MISSION, MARK, & ME by Dr Ed Pousson
John Mark the Assistant – Acts 13:5
What would it take to qualify for the mission team of the Antioch church? See Acts 13:1-5.
Barnabas and Saul had credentials as teachers. But what about John?
Who was he and why do you think he was he included on the team?
What lessons can we draw from this?
John Mark the Deserter – Acts 13:13
Why do you think he did this?
Put yourself in John Mark’s shoes.
Reflect on possible reasons why any of us might do just as he did, or perhaps worse, if we were in a similar situation.
John Mark the Deserter – Acts 13:13
Culture shock?
Spiritual shock?
Theology shock?
Internal politics?
What lessons can we learn from Mark’s mistake?
John Mark the EVANGELIST
Paul and Barnabas later parted company over whether or not to give John Mark a second chance (Acts 15:37-40). What does this tell you about Paul?
What does this tell you about Barnabas?
Why would he ‘sacrifice’ a spiritual giant like Paul for a junior partner like Mark?
So who was right? Paul or Barnabas?
What else does the New Testament tell us about John Mark?
What does Church history and tradition tell us about John Mark?
Who are the Barnabases in your life?
Who are the John Marks in your life?
Are you a “Son of Encouragement?”
Will you finish well?
We need more sons and daughters of encouragement in the church today.
Who are the Barnabases in your life? Where are the John Marks?
Ask God to fill the Church with a spirit of encouragement.
Pray for mentors who use programs to build people, rather than using people to run programs (15:37).
Ask God to forgive us where we have slotted creative people into old structures, instead of creating new structures around gifted people and their gifts and calling, as Barnabas did.
Intercede for the “Marks” around you, young and old, who need to be given room to fail and grace in the form of another chance (15:37, 39).
Prayerfully determine to be a Barnabas to them however you can.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Submission and Authority
For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor 3:17)
Freedom without authority?
Highest authority is that Jesus is Lord. Live it out.
You want freedom? Grab on to the truth
World today- Tolerant and Permissive society, lead to chaos
Every time we want something, we change the law
Freedom without restriction
Freedom seen as rejection of authority?
2 ways of looking at Freedom
External Freedom
Internal Freedom. (John 8:31,32,36)
Free not to be dominated by self
Free from guilt and power of sin
Free to love God and serve others
Free to do what is right
Free not to break moral law but to keep it
“and I’m free…free fallin”-Tom Petty
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” John 8:32
Cannot have freedom until we submit to God’s terms
Real freedom comes from Right authority
How did Jesus get all His authority?
John 8:38,4:34, 5:30, 6:38, 8:26, 12:49, 14:31, 17:4
He submits to the will of the Father
Generation Y
Lifestyle centered
Very aware socially
Demanding of people, leaders
Hugely confident, educated
Ask questions and want flexibility and options
Greatest challenge: Fear and Unbelief
Answer to young people is not to entertain them
“I am what I own” generation
Not to give them everything but to empower them
2 Cor 5:15, 2 Peter 1:5
Do God’s will. John 17:13-19. Luke 19:10, John 3:16
Know Submission, Know Authority
World says:
-We come from nothing
-We don’t live for anyone,anything
-We’re going nowhere
Who is your Master? Saviour and Lord
Acknowledge His Lordship, Phi 2:9-11
Why are people not changed? Position @ altar
When we die, we find life, then we give it away! 2 Cor 4:7-12
Shut up and die(to self) Gal 2:20.
Are you truly dead?Don’t fight back
Get over yourself
Acted with authority
Spoke with authority
Taught with authority
John 1:12. Exousia- “rightful unimpeded power or authority to act”
Matt 28:18. Jesus has authority from heaven
Luke 4:5-7. The devil has authority because we give it to him when making choices
Gen 1:26-28. We were given authority to rule.
God places value on authority for:
Roman 13:1-2. Secular Authorities are put there by God
Bible is an authority 2 Tim 3:16
Governing Authorities
Government. 1 Peter 2:13,14
Families. Eph 6:1-4, 5:22-32
Church. Romans 8:14(HS), 2 Tim 3:16(Word)
3 Ways Walls of Authority can crumble
Poor leadership
“Shut up, Grow up, Do as you are told!”
3 Types of Authority
1. Task
-opposite is Disobedience
2. Teaching
-opposite is Unteachability
3. Spiritual
-opposite is harden hearts
Submit- to arrange in order
Heart attitude and things you do with your body
Eph 4:26. Anger is an attitude and gives Enemy a foothold
Submission-know our place
Obedience means to hear(Greek)
When leaders ask of you, submit in heart attitude.
Why authority?
Grow in wisdom and character. Luke 2:49-52
Protection under it. 1 Sam 15:23, Prob 22:15
Receive direction because of openness to others
Non-submission in Bible
Gen 9:20-27. Noah and Ham. When leaders fail you, test of your rebellious heart
Numbers 12. Aaron and Miriam. Rebellion holds up the camp. Talking a lot
Numbers 16. Korah. Eyes of reason and not faith. 2 Cor 4:1-6
God will put up with your moaning but He will not tolerate rebellion
Numbers 16:41-50. Rebellion is contagious. Deal with things.Don’t build your own camp
2 Sam 15. Absalom.
Submission but disobedience in Bible
Daniel submitted to kings of Babylon but not always obeyed.Consequences.
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego not bowing to idol
Jesus in Heb 5:7-9
Submission brings God’s Power
Steps to Disloyalty
1.Inward attitude, independent spirit. Phi 2:20-21. List out your rights, expectations
2.Wounded spirit. When things don’t happen the way you want, you get into distrust. Luke 17:7-10, Col 3:23,24. Detailed instructions needed.
3. Alertness to discontent,taking up offence, vicarious anger. Ps 15:3
4. Judgmental Spirit. Magnify reports of discontent. Gal 6:1. Watch yourself.
5. Disloyalty
Principles of the Kingdom
Principles of the world?
Phi 2:5-11. Jesus humbled Himself,even to death
After that, all authority is given to Him
Humility releases the power of God
Our role in life: Die, Find life, Bring life and authority to places of Death
Methodist Convenant Prayer
Christ has many services to be done:
some are easy, others are difficult;
some bring honour, others bring reproach;
some are suitable to our natural inclinations
and material interests,
others are contrary to both;
The Prayer
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Questions to prepare before 3rd July session by Dr Ed
Missions, Mark, & Me
Reflections on the Spiritual Journey of John Mark
1. What would it take to qualify for the mission team of the Antioch church? See Acts 13:1-5. Barnabas and Saul had impressive credentials as teachers. But what about John? Who was he and why do you think he was he included on the team?
2. John Mark deserted the mission team and when back home. See Acts 13:13. Why do you think he did this? Put yourself in John Mark’s shoes. Reflect on several possible reasons why any of us might do just as he did if we were in a similar situation.
3. Paul and Barnabas later parted company over whether or not to give John Mark a second chance. See Acts 15:37-40. What does this tell you about Paul?
4. What does this tell you about Barnabas? Why would he ‘sacrifice’ an experienced spiritual giant like Paul for a junior partner like John Mark?
5. Who was right, Paul or Barnabas?
6. What else does the New Testament tell us about John Mark?
7. What does Church history and tradition tell us about John Mark?
8. Draw conclusions, principles, and lessons from all of the above.
New updates to schedule!
Session 8: 27th June Saturday 9am to 10pm | Submission and Authority plus YMMP Outing | Simon | Week 9 Yushan, Sherman, |
Session 9: 3rd July Friday 730 to 11pm | MissionsHomework: Questions by Dr Ed | Ed Pousson | Week 10 Samuel, Leslie, |
Session 10: 17th July Friday 730 to 11pm | Repentance and Forgiveness | Simon | Week 12 Eliz, jasmine |
Session 11: 7th Aug Friday 730 to 10th Aug Monday-National Day Long Weekend Make the dates available!! Our YMMP FINALE! | YMMP CAMP! - Repentance and Forgiveness(Ministry) -Spiritual Warfare -Relationships | Simon | Week 15
Pls pray that we can get Sentosa Cove!!!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fruits and Roots of Pride
Fruit and Roots of Pride- Floyd McClung
Pride deceives us
James 4
God gives grace to those who humble themselves
It’s our responsibility to humble ourselves.
Humility is not humiliation. Sets us free
The work is ongoing. Thank God we have hope in Christ. We have a victorious and risen saviour. Jesus now lives in our heart. If we humble ourselves, we can receive all things
Job 35:12-
Psalm 12:3- cut off flattering lips
Prob 8:13
Prob 11:2- shame follows pride
Prob 13: 10 – by pride comes contention
Not honest when we say “we have personality clash”. It’s pride.
Point finger and blame instead of loving, accepting people
When we struggle, it’s not about the other person.
“You’re struggling and there’s something wrong with your heart”-God
Prayed to be more like Jesus? People and things are sent to mold our character
What’s on the inside comes out. Under pressure and conflict. God uses them to reveal what’s in our heart.
Prob 6- Pride comes before destruction.
God hates pride. Be on God’s side against pride.
If you are neutral and hardened, deception will come in.
It requires a response from us.
God doesn’t want to hurt your pride, He wants to kill it!
If you are committed to honesty, humility, God gives grace
Prob 28:25-stirs up strife
If there is conflict in ministry, someone is operating in pride
1 Peter 5: 5- “Be submissive to those older…
If we humble ourselves, we become like Jesus
It takes humility to receive. When you turn down offers, gifts, it’s pride.
Prefer others, by age, gender, and experience.
What is pride?
Thinking or pretending something we are not.
Humility embraces transparency. We can acknowledge our mistakes.
Pride is deception and self-deception.
Self-confidence, gratitude, initiative is not pride. False humility is pride.
Obey God above your culture.
Pride is choosing not to seek after God or acknowledge our total dependency on Him.
God has every right to rule our lives as created.
The fool says there is no God.
Every sin can be traced back to pride.
Even demanding what is yours can be pride.
Let’s do it when God calls with humility.
Pride is subtle.
Pride comes from inside.
“Pride- chief cause of misery. Enmity… As long as you are proud, you cannot know God.” CS Lewis
Satan, author of pride, Isaiah 14:13-14
“I” repeated. Self-centeredness. God is author of humility.
Pride is like cancer. Wake up and find something wrong. When awareness comes, they can choose 2 responses. Get help or ignore/pretend it’s not there.
Self-denial will destroy us.
Invite Jesus to be the heart surgeon and expose pride.
Do you want God to deal with you?
Proceed to watch part 2
Updated Schedule 18 June 09
YMMP Schedule 2009
Date/Time | Topic | Speaker | Remarks/Devotional |
Session 1: 25nd April Saturday 930am to 1230pm | Conflict Resolution | Benny Ho | Seminar Week 0 |
Session 2: 27th April Friday 730 to 11pm | Hearing the voice of God | Ken Chua | Week1 |
Session 3: 8th May Friday 730 to 11pm | Stewardship | Yvonne Huang | Week 2 |
Session 4: 22nd May Friday 730 to 11pm | Fear of the Lord | James | Week 4 Mun, Elin |
Session 5: 5th June Friday 730 to 11pm | Relationships Ian Wong POSTPONED | Week 6 | |
Session 6: 12th June Friday 730 to 11pm | The Fruits and Roots of Pride Part 1 | DVD | Week 7 |
Session 7: 19th June Friday 730 to 11pm | The Fruits and Roots of Pride Part 2&3 | DVD | Week 8 Sherman, jasmine Leslie, |
Session 8: 27th June Saturday 9am to 10pm | Repentance and Forgiveness | Simon | Week 9 Yushan, |
Session 9: 3rd July Friday 730 to 11pm | Missions | Ed Pousson | Week 10 Samuel, |
Session 10: 17th July Friday 730 to 11pm | Submission and Authority | Simon | Week 12 Eliz, |
Session 11: 7th Aug Friday 730 to 10th Aug Monday-National Day Long Weekend Make the dates available!! Our YMMP FINALE! | YMMP CAMP! -Spiritual Warfare -Relationships | Simon | Week 15 **Part 1: PLAYMAX: June 12,13 Part 2 **Part 2:Summary Local Camp |
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Fear Of The Lord
Two types of fear talked about in the Bible:
Fear of the Lord (Deut 10:12) – Beneficial & to be encouraged
Spirit of fear (2 Tim 1:7) – Detrimental and to be overcome
The Fear Of The Lord
Many kinds of spirit of fear:
Demonic influenced fear – 2 Tim 1:7
Fear of man – 1 Samuel 15:24
Religious fear or superstitions
The Fear Of The Lord
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
The fear of the Lord is to “Stand in reverence & awe of God.”
Psalm 33:8
“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him.”
The Fear Of The Lord
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
With “Reverence” & “Awe”
Reverence – Deep respect or devotion
Awe – Mixture of wonder & dread
The Fear Of The Lord
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
The fear of the Lord is to hate evil.
Psalm 8:13
“To fear the Lord is to hate evil”
The Fear Of The Lord
What does it mean to fear the Lord?
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Psalm 111:10
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follows His precepts have good understanding. To Him belongs eternal praise.”
The Fear Of The Lord
Then why should we choose the fear the Lord?
Because there are many wonderful promises to those who fear Him
It will keep us clean – Psalm 19:9
It is good wisdom – Proverbs 111:10
The Lord reveals His secrets to us – Psalm 25:14
The Lord protects us – Psalm 34:7
The Lord will instruct us – Psalm 25:12
The Lord watches over us – Psalm 33:18
The Lord will fulfill our desires – Psalm 145:19
The Fear Of The Lord
Then why should we choose the fear the Lord?
Because there are many wonderful promises to those who fear Him
It leads to life – Proverbs 19:23
It lengthen our lives – Proverbs 10:27
It is the fountain of life – Proverbs 14:27
The Fear Of The Lord is to:
Respect God with great reverence – Deut 10:12
Obey & trust in Him – Isaiah 41:10
Submit to His discipline – Hebrews 12:5-11
Worship Him in reverence & awe – Hebrews 12:28 & 29
The Fear Of The Lord
Walking in the fear of the Lord – the challenge to Abraham (Gen 17:1,2,24)
Walking in perfection – Blameless before God (v 1)
What does it mean to walk in perfection? – Job 1:1 & 8
Job was blameless and upright; one who shun evil and fear God
Being perfect towards God is a right attitude towards God and towards evil.
The Fear Of The Lord
Examples of the lack of the fear of the Lord:
Death of Nadab & Abihu, sons of Aaron (Lev. 10) O.T
Death of Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5)
Monday, May 25, 2009
PLAYMAX Training
did you enjoy the playmax training?
I was SOO Impressed!!!
These guys are so focussed and passionate about what they are doing!!
I really hope that you guys will be like them, filled with a sense of destiny and conviction in what you are doing in life
I'll like to share what stood out for me that day.
It's this single point that we must preach a Gospel that saves.
It's so easy to just organise youth events and try to connect youths to the church.
At the playmax training, i was asking God what He was saying to us. I got this stirring that we need to be more than just tour guides, ushers, game leaders...
and when the point came about preaching a Gospel that saves, it just hit home!
this means that the lostness of man MUST grip our hearts..
that man is eternally lost without the gospel, left to face the wrath of God...
Hence the gospel is not just to serve a soft fuzzy feeling inside...
but it has to power to save
Do we understand what that means for us as messengers?
go for the max!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
YMMP Session 3: Stewardship, Yvonne Huang
The practice of systematic and
Proportionate giving of time, abilities,
material possessions and all God’s gifts
to us based on the conviction that they are a
trust from God, to be used in His service,
for the benefit of all mankind in grateful
acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.
(Dr Han Kyung Chik)
Stewardship Check
Who Am I? – How do you see yourself?
What do I do? – home, church, community, work, activities, roles
Why are you doing what you do?
Where do you see Christ calling you to?
Where do you see yourself ultimately and
where do you see yourself today?
How do I practice stewardship
The Why of Stewardship
The Stewardship Mandate:
Genesis 1:27-31
Matt 28:18-19
A steward is a person who looks after something for someone.
Stewardship is about You & me
working as God’s vessels
entrusted with the gospel and His resources
to draw people to His kingdom
Our act of stewardship evangelises the people around us
Stewardship is for ALL
The Basic Principles of the Call to Stewardship
The Principle of Ownership
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. Ps 24:1-2
Everything belongs to God, including wealth and honor. 1 Chron 29:11-12
God is the Owner
The Principle of Trust
Stewardship begins with a relationship of trust between us and God e.g. of David, Joseph and Moses
God has entrusted us with His resources. Gen 1:28-31
Stewardship is a duty we perform on behalf of the Master. Luke 12:42-44
The Principle of Accountability
Stewards are called to be accountable. Matt 25:14-29
God will hold us all accountable for the resources entrusted to us.
The Principle of Delegated Authority
We are Joint Heirs and Ambassadors of Christ
God and Moses (Ex 3:10), Jesus and His disciples – “So I send you”
Jesus and all believers – Matt 28:19
The Where of Stewardship : A Lifestyle
The call to stewardship
is about every aspect
of our lives,
every where we go.
The How of Stewardship : Elements of Stewardship as modeled by Joseph – 4Ms
Managing Resources (Rule & Subdue)
Management and administration: Joseph was overseer over Potiphar’s house and property (Gen 39:4). He was also put in charge of the prisoners (Gen 39:22)
Mobilizing Resources (Fill the earth)
Joseph executed a plan to mobilize grain during the time of plenty (Gen 41:48-49)
Maximizing Resources: (Increase)
Joseph maximized his resources – he gave the people bread in exchange for livestock (Gen 47:15-16)
He bought the land in Egypt for Pharaoh (Gen 47:20)
He assigned 1/5 of the harvest for Pharaoh (Gen 47:24)
Multiplying Resources (Be fruitful)
Joseph multiplied resources from the grain by selling it to the people during the time of famine. (Gen 41:56-57)
Qualities of a good steward modeled in Joseph’s life
Integrity – Joseph refused to betray God’s trust in him. (Gen 39:9)
Faithfulness/Godliness – The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man
(Gen 39:2). Joseph was faithful and trusted by Potiphar (Gen 39:2-5)
Wisdom – God gave Joseph wisdom to rule Pharaoh’s people (Gen 41:39)
Diligence – Joseph personally went through Egypt gathering up the food (Gen 41:46-49)
Consider your role as a leader. Where have you fallen short in your stewardship? Write down three things you will do (NOW) to enhance your stewardship as a leader.
Refer to Col 3:23-24
Steps to hearing God's voice
The Bible – God’s word to you already.
Romans 12:2 – do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of you mind then you will know God’s good pleasing, and perfect will.
Prayer and Worship Times – dedicated and devoted to focusing on Him – loving Him. God speaks in this place.
Circumstances – God can orchestrate our circumstances in many different ways to speak to us.
Other Christians – Listen to His voice through each other
Dreams and Visions
Quiet Inner Voice – Will probably struggle to know whether this is really God or yourself.
1. Worship God
– focus on Him
2. Check Your Heart
– allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart
– Psalm 66:18 – if you had cherished sin in your heart the Lord would not have listened
Psalm 139:23-24 – search me and know my heart…see if there is any offensive way in me…
James 5: 16 - confess your sins to one another that you may be healed…prayer of righteous man is powerful and effective
3.Lay Down Your Thoughts, Desires, Imaginations, Distractions, Agendas
- Proverbs 3:5-6 – trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct Your paths.
4.Resist the Enemy
– James 4:7 – resist the enemy
– 1 Peter 5:8-9 – be self-controlled, alert, resist, stand firm, etc
- Ephesians 6: 10-18 – armor of God
-esp verse 17 – helmet of salvation and sword of the spirit
- through practice using your ‘sword’ (Word of God) get aggressive with it
5.Listen to the Holy Spirit
– Wait
-Psalms 62:5, Psalms 81:11-13
1. Worship God
2. Check Your Heart
Lay Down Your Thoughts, Desires, Imaginations, Distractions, Agendas
Resist the Enemy
Listen to the Holy Spirit
God speaks to have relationship with you
God’s ability to speak is greater than your inability to hear.
God wants to change us from being driven people to being drawn by Him.
The static, and inability to hear God’s voice comes from the un-submitted parts of our life.
What’s hindering you from hearing God?
- unbelief, fear, apathy, pride, and self sufficiency, disobedience, rationalism, independence
We NEED God!!
We were created to receive comfort from God and if we aren’t receiving it from Him we will search for it elsewhere
False comforts
If God has something important to tell you, He will tell you Himself.
God will communicate to you.
He will make clear in His time to reveal things to you